Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday Prayers

O Father, that Your Spirit would alight on me through the week, impressing upon me that which is in Your heart which you have of will equip me to address, for Your glory, I pray, in Jesus' name,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday Quotes

God's plans and our emergencies often seem to be on different tracks, but the Lord knows exactly what we need. When the problems are the most severe, God proves Himself on behalf of individuals or nations.
Kim Clement

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Back to Church Sunday!

Today at church, our pastor played this video. I just wanted to share it with you... I thought it was great. :)

                                          September 15 is National Back to Church Sunday

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday Prayers

Father, in the name of Jesus,
I would ask You to remove all the ties that bind me to that which is not of You, and is not heavenly. Show me where I am bound, that through Your Spirit and Truth, I may find freedom, for Your glory. thank You, Lord!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday Quotes

The glory of the gospel is this: We have the Word with us. And....when the Word resides in our spirits, we can become the voice of Almighty God.
Kim Clement

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday Prayers

O Father in Heaven,

Thank You for creating me uniquely and loving me as I am. Thank You for Your call and challenge to become more like You. Today, I say, Spirit of God, come. I willingly surrender to the call of God on my life and ask You to help me be up to the challenge. Sweep clean all that is not of the father from my life, that the path is prepared for me to walk in my purpose, baggage-free. Thank and praise You, in Jesus' name,

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tuesday Quotes

Jesus is returning for a spotless Bride, whose body is in equal proportion to her Head. The Father alone knows when that moment will be. We don't.
Bill Johnson

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday Prayers

O Lord, help me to always seek and experience Your face, allowing the outpouring of Your favor to help me do and be in Your will, that I may change history for Your glory. Help me to carry revival and grace within me always, and to live in Your continued manifest presence and favor so that, like the Church of Acts, I may live with uncompromising standards, Kingdom values, and by the manifest power of Your Spirit. Fuel my heart, O God, with Your presence, Your passion, and a burning desire for my God-gifted destiny to come to fruition, for Your total and absolute glory in Jesus; name,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Quotes

In the beginning, the wind and breath of God, the Spirit of God, brooded, hovered and vibrated over chaos and brought about order. The Spirit of God manifests the presence of God. You cannot know the presence of God purely by logic and reason. The presence of God can only be known by experience , and that experience is tantamount to revelation.
Mark Chironna